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 Mid winter 25TT

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Mid winter 25TT Empty
PostSubject: Mid winter 25TT   Mid winter 25TT Icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2011 1:05 pm

3 Mike Reaper Forres CC V
4 Peter Ettles Sandy Wallace Cycles V
5 Wim Chalmet East Sutherland Wheelers 0:57:20
6 George Grant Forres CC V 1:07:37
7 David Stuart Cromarty Firth CC V 1:05:24
8 Laura Gunn Forres CC FJ 1:16:12
9 Innes Mitchell Ross-shire Roads CC V 1:10:34
10 Paul Rodden Moray Firth CC V
11 Lorna Stanger Caithness CC FV 1:11:00
12 Duncan Gillies Elgin CC V 1:02:03
13 Neil Lamond-Lowson Forres CC V 1:12:00
14 Alan Cook Cromarty Firth CC V 1:14:03
15 Alan McCaffrey Ross-shire Roads CC V
16 Kevin Thomson Elgin CC V 1:06:22
17 Hector Nicolson Moray Firth CC V 1:02:36
18 Rob Murdoch Caithness CC J
19 Graeme Morgan Caithness CC S 1:20:01
20 James Millar Dooleys RT V 0:55:20
21 Allan Sutherland Caithness CC S 1:04:29
22 Gregor Grant Square Wheels V 0:57:46
23 Morag Eagleson Ross-shire Roads CC F
24 Callum Finlayson Forres CC S 1:00:42
25 James McLoughlin Forres CC V 0:56:16
26 Anne Murray Square Wheels FV 1:02:38
27 Billy Gunn Forres CC V 1:01:01
28 Laura Nicolson Moray Firth CC F 1:05:12
29 David Morrill Caithness CC V 1:03:52
30 Gavin Shirley Nevis Cycles RT S 0:54:23
31 David Wilby Ross-shire Roads CC S 0:59:37
32 Kevan Sturgeon Elgin CC V 1:03:04
33 Alan Drummond Ross-shire Roads CC V 1:10:42
34 Alasdair Washington Caithness CC V 1:05:05
35 Kevin Lackie Elgin CC V 0:58:16
36 Mark Taylor unattached S 1:01:07
37 Roger Sewell Ross-shire Roads CC V
38 Steven Liddle Square Wheels S 1:05:21
39 Peter Robertson Forres CC V 1:04:38
40 Peter Alexander Highland Cycles RT S 0:58:07

Well Done again Forres! Another Cold night getting used to it now, good training for Roseisle! Laughing
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