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 MFCC stage race

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2 posters
Roadie jim
Maillot Jaune
Maillot Jaune
Roadie jim

Posts : 442
Join date : 2008-03-01
Age : 34
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PostSubject: MFCC stage race   MFCC stage race Icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2011 11:37 am

7 north riders filled the top 10 slots in this mornings prologue, with a large field coming from all over Scotland. Well done to all. Peter E was first and in yellow for the afternoons road race. Gavin Shirley took 2nd and I was a further second down and in 3rd. Callum had a brilliant ride and finished in the top 20. WOW!!! Well done the big man. Mike Reaper rounded off for Forres finishing 58th with a good time for someone who's not done much competing this year. The afternoons road race was a HARD and HILLY affair over 50 miles. Peter E punctured on the fast descent and time trialled on his own to catch up the main group, but this proved too much for the old man and he struggled on the next hill. Bummer. Still, yellow jersey for the day was pretty good for the Forres loon. I lost touch with the main group towards end but finished at the front of the 2nd group. Callum and Mike also done well to finish on a very very hard day. A very big well done to eveyone from Forres. Here's to another hard 50 miles Sunday morning. Can't wait !!! Not. affraid
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King Of The Mountains
King Of The Mountains

Posts : 66
Join date : 2010-07-10

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PostSubject: Re: MFCC stage race   MFCC stage race Icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2011 2:15 pm

Photographic evidence of Jim leading the 2nd group home.....
(I popped up to watch today - it got me out of going shopping in Inverness !)
Good stuff it was too, and hats off to all the guys competing - it looked like hard hard work !

MFCC stage race Mfcc_r10

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MFCC stage race Empty
PostSubject: Re: MFCC stage race   MFCC stage race Icon_minitimeSat Jul 23, 2011 2:25 pm

Oh my my!
That was a hard day at the office!
Im not going to mention the terrain, thats two weekends in a row for next year where i might just get a bonnie pattern for a jersey and and start knitting! Laughing Not to worry another day of pain the morn with track 17 Bridgtet jones diary playing in ma heed "All BY Myself"
Cracking ride in the Prologue Mr Twisted Evil
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MFCC stage race Empty
PostSubject: Re: MFCC stage race   MFCC stage race Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2011 3:11 pm

Another rung in the ladder, I was broken fae yesterday so today was a thought but hey ho mission achieved!
Pete didna make the grid due to a technical wi his he haws Embarassed Not sure about Mike may have been attending to a Granny smith! So just Jim and i from Forres, Jim was at the front doing the Forres colours proud as normal i cant tell you much else, as i was making sure noone dropped anything of value on the way round and had my eyes firmly fixed on the road at rear. Really hard circuit with a monster of a hill to climb twice and Bridget in my Lugs "all by myself " again! Crying or Very sad Never mind Elgin thursday nae hills "dancer"
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PostSubject: Re: MFCC stage race   MFCC stage race Icon_minitime

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