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 want to buy cycling jerseys,look the below first!!!

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Sunday Cyclist
Sunday Cyclist

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-07-01

want to buy cycling jerseys,look the below first!!! Empty
PostSubject: want to buy cycling jerseys,look the below first!!!   want to buy cycling jerseys,look the below first!!! Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2011 7:08 am

hi there,
I love cycling a lot,and i also love collecting cycling items,specially for cycling jerseys,but that cost me too much money .But i was too lucky i think ,Last weekend i searched a new radioshack 2011 cycling jerseys from google which is bike-jersey online was too cheap to make me want to have a try .The jerseys arrived last friday,everything was perfect.i love the ppl's service there and i love their shop ,they could offer all kinds of cycling items also customized jerseys for us .
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want to buy cycling jerseys,look the below first!!!
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