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 Audrey Gault 10 TT - Start Sheet

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Posts : 221
Join date : 2008-02-20
Age : 54
Location : Lossiemouth

Audrey Gault 10 TT - Start Sheet Empty
PostSubject: Audrey Gault 10 TT - Start Sheet   Audrey Gault 10 TT - Start Sheet Icon_minitimeTue Aug 09, 2011 12:26 pm

Audrey Gault 10TT - Start Sheet - 13/08/2011 - 14:00

Audrey Gault Memorial 10 mile Time Trial
Event HQ: Forres CC Clubrooms, Cumming Street, Forres.

Course Details:
(NS31) 14:00hrs Saturday 13-Aug-2011: (Course record 20:44)

Start on B9089 100 metres west of RAF Kinloss main gate. East on B9089 to turn 50 yards short of junction with B9013 at College of Roseisle. Retrace to finish 50 metres short of start.

Please allow at least 15 minutes to ride from the clubrooms to the start.

No. - Rider - Team - Cat - Start Time
1 14:01
2 14:02
3 14:03
4 Adam Robson - Ythan CC - S - 14:04
5 Morag Eagleson - Ross-shire RCC - F - 14:05
6 Callum Barbour - Inverness - S - 14:06
7 Neil Fraser - Forres CC - S - 14:07
8 Colin Allanach - Ythan CC - V - 14:08
9 Steven Liddle - Ross-shire RCC - S - 14:09
10 David McIntosh - Ythan CC - V - 14:10
11 Andrew Stewart - Dunfermline - V - 14:11
12 Walter Baird - Forres CC - V - 14:12
13 Emma Finlayson - Forres CC - YF - 14:13
14 Paul Hughes - Forres CC - V - 14:14
15 Wim Chalmet - E Sutherland - S - 14:15
16 Hazel Young - Moray Firth CC - FV - 14:16
17 David Gunn - RNMCC - S - 14:17
18 Kenny Philpot - Elgin CC - V - 14:18
19 Murray Grant - Forres CC - V - 14:19
20 Callum Finlayson - Forres CC - S - 14:20
21 Sean Stewart - Dunfermline - YM - 14:21
22 Edward Fletcher - Cairngorm CC - YM - 14:22
23 Jed McKernie - Moray Firth CC - S - 14:23
24 Elizabeth Barr - Forres CC - FV - 14:24
25 Jim McLoughlin - Forres CC - V - 14:25
26 Mary Eagleson Ross-shire RCC FV 14:26
27 Peter Robertson - Forres CC - V - 14:27
28 Ben Miller - Nevis Cycles - YM - 14:28
29 Laura Gunn - Forres CC - JF - 14:29
30 Dave Harter - Forres CC - V - 14:30
31 Finlay Strivens - Cairngorm CC - JM - 14:31
32 Neil Lamond-Lawson - Forres CC - V - 14:32
33 Anne Murray - Square Wheels - FV - 14:33
34 Mike Reaper - Forres CC - V - 14:34
35 Gavin Shirley - Nevis Cycles - S - 14:35
36 John Hunter - Ythan CC - S - 14:36
37 George Grant - Forres CC - V - 14:37
38 Mark Murray - Moray Firth CC - S - 14:38
39 Gareth Luce - Elgin CC - S - 14:39
40 Kevin Lackie - Elgin CC - V - 14:40
41 Neil Dawson - Forres CC - V - 14:41
42 Charles Fletcher Cairngorm CC JM 14:42
43 Peter Forsyth - Forres CC - V - 14:43
44 Kevin Thomson - Elgin CC - V - 14:44
45 Peter Ettles - Sandy Wallace - V - 14:45
46 14:46
47 14:47
48 14:48
49 14:49
50 14:50

Good Luck ! Very Happy
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