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 Cairngorm Hill Climb Sat 10 Sept 2011, 10 am

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Neil Dawson
King Of The Mountains
King Of The Mountains

Posts : 80
Join date : 2010-07-21
Location : Forres

Cairngorm Hill Climb Sat 10 Sept 2011,  10 am Empty
PostSubject: Cairngorm Hill Climb Sat 10 Sept 2011, 10 am   Cairngorm Hill Climb Sat 10 Sept 2011,  10 am Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2011 12:00 am

Cairngorm Hill Climb Sat 10 Sept 2011, 10 am

No. Name Club Cat Start time
1 10.01
2 Mike Reaper Forres CC V 10.02
3 Jay Burgess Sandy Wallace Cycles W 10.03
4 Keith Eagleson Ross-Shire Roads CC vet 10.04
5 Scott Patterson Sandy Wallace Cycles S 4 10.05
6 Lesley McKenna Cairngorm CC W 10.06
7 Charles Fletcher Cairngorm CC J 10.07
8 Stephen Brown Granite City RT Y A 10.08
9 Gabriella Nordin Sandy Wallace Cycles W 4 10.09
10 Robert Brown Granite City RT S 10.10
11 Tom Fletcher Cairngorm CC V 10.11
12 Les Ross Edinburgh RC S 4 10.12
13 Andrew Melton Cairngorm CC V 10.13
14 Colin Russell Edinburgh RC vet 3 10.14
15 Norman Skene Granite City RT vet 3 10.15
16 Duncan Gillies Elgin CC V 10.16
17 Andy Duncan Ythan CC V 3 10.17
18 Calum Barbour City of Inverness S 10.18
19 Kieran Robbins East Sutherland Wheelers Y B 10.19
20 Alan Robertson East Kilbride RC V 4 10.20
21 Edward Fletcher Cairngorm CC Y 10.21
22 Iain Paton Square Wheels Y A 10.22
23 Andrew Turner Deeside Thistle CC 10.23
24 Andrew Brown Granite City RT Y B 10.24
25 Jeremy Tomlinson Fife Cycling 2000 V 4 10.25
26 Finlay Strivens Cairngorm CC J 10.26
27 Fiona Duncan Ythan CC W 2 10.27
28 Mark Munro City of Inverness S 4 10.28
29 Morag Eagleson Ross-Shire Roads CC W 10.29
30 Duncan Warwick Deeside Thistle CC vet 4 10.30
31 Steve Fraser Caithness CC V 10.31
32 Andew Bothwell Edinburgh RC V 4 10.32
33 George Findlater Elgin CC vet 3 10.33
34 Neil Patterson Sandy Wallace Cycles J 10.34
35 David Wilby Ross-Shire Roads CC S 10.35
36 10.36
37 10.37
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Cairngorm Hill Climb Sat 10 Sept 2011, 10 am
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