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 Swap sell Chainset Dura Ace

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Swap  sell Chainset Dura Ace Empty
PostSubject: Swap sell Chainset Dura Ace   Swap  sell Chainset Dura Ace Icon_minitimeMon Feb 06, 2012 5:00 pm

I have a dura ace 7800 chainset 172.5mm 53 39 crankset in cracking condition which i am willing to swap or sell, anyone looking for a good upgrade this is the one its in really good nick as new condition cheers
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Swap  sell Chainset Dura Ace Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swap sell Chainset Dura Ace   Swap  sell Chainset Dura Ace Icon_minitimeTue Feb 14, 2012 5:46 am

Sold Very Happy
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Swap sell Chainset Dura Ace
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