Forres Cycling Club
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Forres Cycling Club

Welcome to the Forres Cycling Club Forum. The club was founded in 1938 and is affiliated to the Scottish Cycling Union and the North Of Scotland Cycling Association
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 Club Clothing

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Posts : 18
Join date : 2010-03-12

Club Clothing Empty
PostSubject: Club Clothing   Club Clothing Icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 3:48 pm

If there is enough intrest I will place an order for club clothing in the near future but to save on costs we have to place an order with a minimum of 15 items.
If you would like to order any Forres cycling clothing go to
Prices exclude VAT.
This link will show you the range of clothing available.

When you have decided what you wish to order email me with your requirements, including Item, code number and size.
I will require payment when i place your order but I will only collect payment when I have reached the minimum requirements for the order.

Please PM or email me if you reqire anymore information.

An order needs to be placed ASAP.

Costs on the Endura website do not include VAT (20%) and if there less than 15 Items but more than 8 there is also a 20% surcharge.
As a matter of intrest Endura will provide an item but they apply a 200% surcharge.


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