Forres Cycling Club
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Forres Cycling Club

Welcome to the Forres Cycling Club Forum. The club was founded in 1938 and is affiliated to the Scottish Cycling Union and the North Of Scotland Cycling Association
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 Reminders, Coffee Morning and AGM

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Alan White
Maillot Jaune
Maillot Jaune

Posts : 581
Join date : 2008-02-25

Reminders, Coffee Morning and AGM Empty
PostSubject: Reminders, Coffee Morning and AGM   Reminders, Coffee Morning and AGM Icon_minitimeTue Oct 21, 2014 2:04 am

This is a reminder of two important events that take place within this next week.
1. FCC Coffee Morning, Forres Town Hall. Set up room 09:00 Saturday 25-Oct-2014 with doors opening at 10:00hrs. Helpers are wanted, home bakes and bric-a-brac for the sales tables and donations for the raffle. This is a major fund raising for the club so please be generous with your time and donations.

2. Forres CC AGM: Cumming Street Clubrooms, 17:00hrs Monday 27-Oct-2014. This is a major opportunity to influence the future direction of the club so please come along and have your say. Don't leave it all to the dinosaurs!!
Best regards
bounce bounce bounce
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