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 Tuesday League Prize giving

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Alan White
Maillot Jaune
Maillot Jaune

Posts : 581
Join date : 2008-02-25

Tuesday League Prize giving Empty
PostSubject: Tuesday League Prize giving   Tuesday League Prize giving Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2014 1:05 am

The Summer League Prize presentation will take place in the Forres CC'c clubrooms on Friday 28-Nov-2015, at 19:00 hrs. This will include a selection of party food, provided by members, and all are encouraged to attend. You have earned the prizes for your efforts on Tuesday evenings throughout the summer so come along and enjoy the evening and pick up your prizes. All club members are welcome to attend this celebration of youth endeavours.

If any of you know young Ben Fraser, can you please let his parents know and let me have his contact details. The young lad is a prize winner but I have no contact details for him. It would be a tragedy if, after all his efforts, he was not rewarded with his prize.
Best regards

Alan White
Forres CC
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Tuesday League Prize giving
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