Forres Cycling Club
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 Summer League Prize Presentation 3rd Dec 2010

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Alan White
Maillot Jaune
Maillot Jaune

Posts : 581
Join date : 2008-02-25

Summer League Prize Presentation 3rd Dec 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Summer League Prize Presentation 3rd Dec 2010   Summer League Prize Presentation 3rd Dec 2010 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 5:45 am

It is with great regret that I must announce the cancellation of Friday's party. It is unfortunate but the weather has proved just too bad for the event to go ahead. All of you who are prize winners need not despair as the event will be rescheduled when the weather freeze loosens it's grip. Keep an eye on the website and emails for a new date. In the meantime, pray for the snow to go away!!

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Summer League Prize Presentation 3rd Dec 2010
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