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 Forres CC 10

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2 posters
Alan White
Maillot Jaune
Maillot Jaune

Posts : 581
Join date : 2008-02-25

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PostSubject: Forres CC 10   Forres CC 10 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 9:34 am

Good day for Forres riders, especially the female riders, who all posted pb's. Big smiles from Kate who smashed the magic 30 minutes and to Kelda, handicap winner, Liz and Moraig who all took big chunks off their best times. Cameron Flynn improved and won the youth/junior prize and big Jim was also in the money as the fastest FCC rider on Handicap.
Well done everybody. Full results to follow.
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Posts : 29
Join date : 2008-10-31

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PostSubject: Re: Forres CC 10   Forres CC 10 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 6:09 am

Well done Kate, and in fact to all who did pb's. Alan is keeping me in suspense out here and the times a secret.

Knowledge is power and I currently haven't a clue. cheers cheers farao
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PostSubject: 10 results   Forres CC 10 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 07, 2010 8:19 am

Posn, Name, Club, Cat, Race Time
1, Ian Black, Sandy Wallace, V, 21:48
2, Peter Alexander, Moray Firth CC, S, 21:56
3, Gavin Shirley, Nevis Cycles RT, S, 22:16
4, Wim Chalmet, Sandy Wallace, S, 22:19
5, Matt Powell, Forres CC, S, 22:26
6, Ian Humphries, Deeside Thistle, V, 22:38
7, Paul Black, Elgin CC, V, 22:55
8, Gregor Grant, Square Wheels, V, 22:56
9, Ian Sargent, Moray Firth CC, S, 23:00
10, Jim McLoughlin, Forres CC, V, 23:02
11, David Black, Clachnacuddin CC, S, 23:20
12, Kevin Lackie, Elgin CC, V, 23:29
13, Kenny Philpot, Elgin CC, V, 23:30
14, Paul Rodden, Moray Firth CC, S, 23:50
15, Dave Harter, Forres CC, V, 24:06
16, Gareth Luce, Elgin CC, S, 24:27
17, Roger Sewell, Ross-Shire RCC, V, 24:30
18, Kevan Sturgeon, Elgin CC, V, 24:48
19, Milt Warner, Team Quest, V, 25:02
20, John Shirley, Nevis Cycles RT, V, 25:04
21, John McCallum, Velo Club Moulin, S, 25:18
22, George Findlater, Elgin CC, V, 25:25
23, Peter Berry, Nevis Cycles RT, V, 25:43
24, George Grant, Forres CC, V, 26:05
25, Al Washington, Caithness CC, V, 26:06
26, Anne Murray, Square Wheels, FV, 26:18
27, Gavin Andrew, Moray Firth CC, V, 26:21
28, Liz Barr, Forres CC, FV, 26:38
29, Jenni Nicholson, Deeside Thistle, FV, 26:59
30, Carole Wells, Moray Firth CC, FV, 27:01
31, Kelda Spratt, Forres CC, FV, 27:10
32, Hector Nicolson, Moray Firth CC, V, 27:46
33, Roy Slingsby, Ross-Shire RCC, V, 28:03
34, Moraig Lyall, Forres CC, FV, 28:33
35, Laura Nicolson, Moray Firth CC, F, 28:47
36, Cameron Flynn, Forres CC, Y, 28:48
37, Neil L Lawson, Forres CC, V, 29:31
38, Kate Finlayson, Forres CC, FY, 29:33
39, Morag Eagleson, Ross-Shire RCC, F, 29:55
40, Jamie Barron, Forres CC, Y, 30:00
41, Murray Grant, Forres CC, S, 32:40
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