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 Guest Speaker Event....

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2 posters

Posts : 221
Join date : 2008-02-20
Age : 54
Location : Lossiemouth

Guest Speaker Event.... Empty
PostSubject: Guest Speaker Event....   Guest Speaker Event.... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 14, 2010 6:36 am

Hello Very Happy

At the last Club meeting it was suggested that we try to raise funds for the club by having an 'Audience With..' type of event.

I've been in contact with a few people now and we should be able to secure :

Anthony McCrossan - To MC the event - commentated on Eurosport, ITV4, Channel 4, Cycling TV, Versus and Sky Sports and has appeared on BBC News, CNN, NBC, Sky News. He is the voice of the London Cycle Show, has hosted the studio at Interbike in Vegas and been the interviewer at 'Audience with' events.

Graeme Obree - The Flying Scotsman - No further info required ! (If you don't know who he is Click Here )

Alistair Humphreys - Adventurer - A dynamic adventurer who spent four years cycling around the world, his 46 000 mile journey taking him along the length of the Earth’s three great landmasses : Africa, the Americas and Eurasia. An inspirational and challenging speaker providing an extraordinary insight into self-motivation and the will to succeed. Has also completed the Marathon des Sables, racing across the Sahara.

And the possibility of

Wendy Houvenaghel - Silver medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and Gold in the team pursuit at the 2008 and 2009 Track World Championships.

Wendy will be dependant upon the date and other engagements.

The alternative is Tim Emmett - Top extreme sports athlete, specialising in para-alpinism; climbing a big mountain with a B.A.S.E.-jumping rig before jumping off into freefall. Also a world leader in both rock and ice-climbing, and a pioneer of Deep Water Soloing (free climbing a cliff above water).

I suggest we look at October / November, maybe a Friday night.

Costs will be approx £2k all in Shocked

How much would you be willing to pay for an evening listening to these people talk / slide show etc. ??

Would we get a big enough audience ??

We can also look to sell programmes with advertising space, hold a raffle, tea and cakes stall etc....

Please let me have your thoughts, comments and feedback.


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Alan White
Maillot Jaune
Maillot Jaune

Posts : 581
Join date : 2008-02-25

Guest Speaker Event.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guest Speaker Event....   Guest Speaker Event.... Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2010 7:43 am

Sounds really good Dave and I would certainly pay £15 to attend such an event. How many tickets we could sell would be a very difficult question to answer. I shall go in search of my crystal ball but whilst I am looking, maybe some of the other club members have attended such an event and have got a better feel for numbers than I have.
You have put much effort into this already so I certainly hope it will succeed.
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