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Welcome to the Forres Cycling Club Forum. The club was founded in 1938 and is affiliated to the Scottish Cycling Union and the North Of Scotland Cycling Association
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 Scottish 25tt

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PostSubject: Scottish 25tt   Scottish 25tt Icon_minitimeSun Jun 05, 2011 2:31 pm

Start sheet for SCU 25 TT Championship to be held on 12 June 2011. First man off will be at 8.25.

Start Name Club Cat
8.25 John Dobbie, Kennoway Road Club V
8.26 Gavin Laffoley, FIfe Century Road Club YB
8.27 Graham Newton, Law Wheelers S
8.28 Paul Gallacher, FIfe Cycling 2000 V
8.29 Daniel Curran, Dunfermline CC Jun
8.30 Gavin SHirley, Nevis Cycles RT S
8.31 Tom Cummings, Fife Century Road Club V
8.32 RG McLean, Angus Bike Chain V
8.33 James Davidson, Pedal Power S
8.35 Matt Hennon, Inverclyde Velo S
8.36 Andrew Scott, Musselburgh Road CC S
8.37 David Walker, Kelso Wheelers V
8.39 Mark Ewing, West Lothian Clarion V
8.40 Alan Thomson, Glasgow Couriers S
8.41 Brian Christie, Leslie BIke Shop/Right Move Windows V
8.42 Steve Davidson, Perth United V
8.43 Simon Munro, Deeside Thistle CC V
8.44 Alistair Lawson, Musselburgh Road CC V
8.45 Dave Millar, Glasgow Couriers V
8.46 Derek McMillan, St Christophers V
8.47 Norman Skene, Granite City RT V
8.48 Neil Muir, Edinburgh RC V
8.49 Stuart Easton, Stirling Bike Club V
8.50 David Caesar, S
8.51 Steve Foley, FIfe Century RC S
8.52 Scott Newman, Inverclyde Velo S
8.53 Errol Bennie, Glasgow Wheelers V
8.54 Malcolm Nash, Perth United V
8.55 Paul Rodden, Moray Firth CC S
8.56 Colin Meikle, St Christophers V
8.57 Randle Shenton, Team Swift V
8.58 Andy Kilpatrick, Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows V
8.59 Frank Anderson, West Lothian Clarion V
9.00 Grant Smith, Dunfermline CC V
9.01 Greig Quinn, Deeside Thistle CC V
9.02 Steve Beech, Sandy Wallace Cycles V
9.03 Craig McGowan, Law Wheelers S
9.04 Hector Nicolson, Moray Firth CC V
9.05 Sean Monogham, Granite City RT V
9.06 Mark Tandy, Deeside Thistle CC V
9.07 Kenny Philpot, Elgin CC V
9.08 AListair Little, Perth United S
9.09 Sandy Wallace, Sandy Wallace Cycles V
9.10 Thomas Gordon, Dooleys RT V
9.11 Mark Higgins, Granite City RT V
9.12 Brendan McCabe, ABerdeen Wheelers V
9.13 Ian WIlson, Deeside Thistle CC V
9.14 Colin Gillespie, St Christophers V
9.15 James McLoughlin, Forres CC V
9.17 Ian King, Velocity 44 V
9.18 Jim Reid, Dunfermline CC V
9.19 Mark Lock, Velocity 44 V
9.20 Steve Nutley, Sandy Wallace Cycles V
9.21 Billy Bunyan, Dunfermline CC V
9.22 Peter Robertson, Forres CC V
9.23 Alan Solway, Kennoway RC V
9.24 Colin Sim, Aberdeen Wheelers V
9.25 Robin Wilkins, Velo Ecosse S
9.26 Calum FInlayson, Forres CC S
9.27 Barry Duncan, Kennoway RC V
9.28 Nick Tryon, Lomond Roads V
9.29 George Grant, Forres CC V
9.30 Alistair Robinson, Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows S
9.31 Grahame Hay, Perth United V
9.32 Andy Cowie, Moray Firth CC V
9.33 David Monro, Lomond Roads V
9.34 Alisdair McGill, Deeside Thistle CC V
9.35 Robert Carson, Fife Cycling 2000 V
9.36 Douglas Kirkham, Musselburgh Road CC V
9.38 Dave Pritchard, Kennoway RC V
9.39 Keith Nettleton, Deeside Thistle CC V
9.40 Iain Grant, Dooleys RT V
9.42 Mathew Ball, West Lothian Clarion V
9.43 Robert Kelly, Ayr Roads CC/Harry Fairbairn V
9.44 Kenneth Darling, Kelso Wheelers V
9.45 Phil Brown, Velo Ecosse S
9.46 Scott Patterson, Sandy Wallace Cycles S
9.47 Steve Cairns, Perth United S
9.48 Paul Anderson, Musselburgh Road CC V
9.49 Steve Durham, Deeside Thistle CC S
9.50 Graeme Cockburn, Glasgow Wheelers V
9.52 Ross Laidlaw, Kelso Wheelers S
9.53 Brian Thomson, Sandy Wallacy Cycles S
9.54 Kenny Kentley, Velo Ecosse V
9.55 Robert Brown, Granite City RT S
9.56 Kevin Lackie, Elgin CC V
9.57 Andrew Allan, Sandy Wallace Cycles S
9.58 Graham Barclay, Leslie BIke Shop/Right Move Windows V
9.59 George Atkins, Velo Ecosse S
10.00 Barry McGurk, Glasgow Couriers V
10.02 Jez Tomlinson, FIfe Cycling 2000 V
10.04 Andrew Underwood, Glasgow Wheelers S
10.05 David Gibson, Dooleys RT V
10.07 Kevan Sturgeon, Elgin CC V
10.08 John Shirley, West Highland Wheelers V
10.09 Jim Meek, Leslie BIke Shop/Right Move Windows V
10.10 Chris Smart, Glasgow Couriers S
10.12 Joe Wilson, Sandy Wallace Cycles S
10.14 Evan Oliphant, Endura Racing S
10.16 Gary Robson, Gala CC V
10.18 Andy Torrance, Dooleys RT V
10.20 Silas Goldsworthy, Sandy Wallace Cycles S
10.22 Jim Cusick, Glasgow Couriers V
10.24 Carlos Riise, Shetland Wheelers V
10.26 Phil Kelman, Deeside Thistle CC V
10.28 Peter Ettles, Sandy Wallace Cycles V
10.30 Arthur Doyle, Dooleys RT S
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Roadie jim
Maillot Jaune
Maillot Jaune
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PostSubject: Re: Scottish 25tt   Scottish 25tt Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2011 1:59 am

Good results for the 3 pros but was sorry to hear that the time for George was wrong by 2 minutes. Bummer. Great day out and for once it wasn't blowing a gale. The first mile or so downhill was a great idea. Really liked that.
Name Club Cat Time
Evan Oliphant Endura Racing S 52.10
Carlos Riise Shetland Wheelers V 53.27
Arthur Doyle Dooleys RT S 53.46
Silas Goldsworthy Sandy Wallace Cycles S 53.58
Jim Cusick Glasgow Couriers V 54.03
Alan Thomson Glasgow Couriers S 54.22
George Atkins Velo Ecosse S 54.25
Alistair Robinson Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows 54.28
David Gibson Dooleys RT V 54.28
Andy Torrance Dooleys RT V 54.42
Iain Grant Dooleys RT V 54.44
Peter Ettles Sandy Wallace Cycles V 54.48
Robin Wilkins Velo Ecosse S 55.02
Steve Nutley Sandy Wallace Cycles V 55.04
Barry McGurk Glasgow Couriers S 55.06
Gavin Shirley Nevis Cycles RT S 55.24
Joe Wilson Sandy Wallace Cycles S 55.27
Graeme Cockburn Glasgow Wheelers V 55.31
Robert Carson Fife Cycling 2000 V 55.33
Phil Kelman Deeside Thistle CC V 55.43
Andrew Underwood Glasgow Wheelers S 56.32
Steve Davidson Perth United V 56.50
James McLoughlin Forres CC V 56.55
Steve Cairns Perth United S 57.01
Robert Brown Granite City RT S 57.15
Kenneth Darling Kelso Wheelers V 57.19
RG McLean Angus Bike Chain V 57.22
Grant Smith Dunfermline CC V 57.30
David Caeser S 57.38
Mathew Ball West Lothian Clarion V 57.49
Paul Gallacher Fife Cycling 2000 V 57.51
Ian King Velocity 44 V 57.53
Paul Rodden Moray Firth CC S 57.55
Phil Brown Velo Ecosse S 57.57
David Walker Kelso Wheelers V 58.03
Steve Durham Deeside Thistle CC S 58.04
Graham Barclay Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows V 58.05
Matt Lock Velocity 44 V 58.16
Keith Nettleton Deeside Thistle CC V 58.19
Kevin Lackie Elgin CC V 58.20
Randle Shenton Team Swift V 58.20
Kenny Kentley Velo Ecosse V 58.22
Scott Patterson Sandy Wallace Cycles S 58.25
Scott Newman Inverclyde Velo S 58.26
Andy Cowie Moray Firth CC V 58.27
Jez Tomlinson Fife Cycling 2000 V 58.27
Brendan McCabe Aberdeen Wheelers V 58.29
Andrew Scott Musselburgh Roads CC S 58.32
Jessica Wilson-Young Edinburgh RC L 59.10 (1st Lady)
Ross Laidlaw Kelso Wheelers S 59.13
David Millar Glasgow Couriers V 59.18
Derek McMillan St Christopher's CC V 59.20
Sian Tovey Dooleys RT L 59.32 (2nd Lady)
Douglas Kirkham Musselburgh Roads CC V 59.49
Mark Ewing West Lothian Clarion V 1.00.01
Mark Higgins Granite City RT V 1.00.07
Mark Tandy Deeside Thistle CC V 1.00.14
Jim Meek Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows V 1.00.18
Nick Tryon Lomond Roads V 1.00.30
Greg Quinn Deeside Thistle CC V 1.00.34
Hector Nicolson Moray Firth CC V 1.00.34
Alan Solway Kennoway RC V 1.00.46
Christine McLean Shetland Wheelers LV 1.00.48 (3rd Lady)
Kevan Sturgeon Elgin CC V 1.00.48
Kenny Philpot Elgin CC V 1.00.51
Andy Kilpatrick Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows V 1.00.52
David Monro Lomond Roads V 1.00.58
Billy Bunyan Dunfermline CC V 1.01.04
Matt Hennon Inverclye Velo S 1.01.09
Callum Finlayson Forres CC S 1.01.12
Robert Kelly Ayr Roads CC/Harry Fairbairn V 1.01.35
Perter Robertson Forres CC V 1.01.46
Stuart Easton Stirling Bike Club V 1.01.48
Paul Anderson Musselburgh Roads CC V 1.02.20
Colin Sim Aberdeen Wheelers V 1.02.29
Colin Gillespie St Christophers CC V 1.02.37
David Pritchard Kennoway RC V 1.02.53
Steve Foley Fife Century Road Club S 1.03.13
John Shirley West Highland Wheelers V 1.03.22
Brian Christie Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows V 1.03.41
Barry Duncan Kennoway RC V 1.03.53
James Davidson Pedal Power S 1.04.05
Patricia Baird Inverclyde Velo LV 1.04.17
Sandy Wallace Sandy Wallace Cycles V 1.04.21
Grahame Hay Perth United V 1.04.25
Craig McGowan Law Wheelers S 1.04.27
Andrew Allan Sandy Wallace Cycles S 1.04.39
Brian Thomson Sandy Wallace Cycles S 1.04.45
Neil Muir Edinburgh Road Club V 1.05.18
Tina Reid Sandy Wallace Cycles LV 1.05.34
Daniel Curran Dunfermline CC Jun 1.06.01
Frank Anderson West Lothian Clarion V 1.06.10
Diana Farrerll Hervelo L 1.07.19
Errol Bennie Glasgow Wheelers V 1.07.53
George Grant Forres CC V 1.08.22
Sandra Tulloch Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows L 1.08.48
Lorraine Brown Leslie Bike Shop/Right Move Windows LV 1.08.53
Alistair Lawson Musselburgh Roads CC V 1.09.18
Polly Tandy Deeside Thistle CC L 1.10.42
Tom Cummings Fife Century Road Club V 1.12.04
Graham Newton Law Wheelers S 1.15.03
Gavin Laffoley Fife Century Road Club Youth 1.26.06

Colin Meikle St Christophers DNF
Alistair Little Perth United DNF
Aileen Scott Fusion Triathlon DNS
Jennifer Eilertson Dooleys RT DNS
Chantel Clark Sandy Wallace Cycles DNS
Shelley Farrar Deeside Thistle CC DNS
Sharon Doyle Sandy Wallace Cycles DNS
Kelly Van Der Toorn Dooleys RT DNS
Simon Munro Deeside Thistle CC DNS
Norman Skene Granite City RT DNS
Malcolm Nash Perth United DNS
Steve Beech Sandy Wallace Cycles DNS
Sean Monoghan Granite City RT DNS
Thomas Gordon Dooleys RT DNS
Ian Wilson Deeside Thistle CC DNS
Jim Reid Dunfermline CC DNS
Alisdair McGill Deeside Thistle CC DNS
Chris Smart Glasgow Couriers DNS
Gary Robson Gala CC DNS

SCU 25 Mile Champions are;

Jessica Wilson-Young 59.10 (Gold)
Sian Tovey 59.32 (Silver)
Christine McLean 1.00.48 (Bronze)

Lady's Team
Sandra Tulloch/Lorraine Brown Leslie Bike Shop 2.17.41

Evan Oliphant 52.10 (Gold) - New course record
Carlos Riise 53.27 (Silver)
Arthur Doyle 53.46 (Bronze)

Gents Team
Dooleys RT - A. Doyle, D Gibson, A Torrance - 2.42.56 (Gold)
Glasgow Couriers - J Cusick, A Thomson, B McGurk - 2.43.31 (Silver)
Sandy Wallace Cycles - S Goldsworthy,P Ettles,S Nutley - 2.43.50
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George Grant
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Scottish 25tt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scottish 25tt   Scottish 25tt Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2011 7:42 am

I have just read the report of the Champ 25 on facebook. Peter Robertsons time was also a PB, and arguably the most impressive.!!!
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Green Jersey
Green Jersey

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Scottish 25tt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scottish 25tt   Scottish 25tt Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2011 8:34 am

sorry my mistake George - typing in a hurry again.

Just corrected report
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PostSubject: Re: Scottish 25tt   Scottish 25tt Icon_minitime

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